Summary and Next Steps

Throughout this guide you have set up each of the elements of a LoRaWAN® network. You have configured an Arduino end-node featuring LoRa® that is broadcasting to a Raspberry Pi gateway running ChirpStack Gateway OS. You have deployed the network using the ChirpStack. You have also integrated your application in ChirpStack with ThingsBoard to visualize the device readings in real time.

If you would like to take this exercise further, you could add additional devices to your LoRaWAN network: for instance, you could include additional sensors such as temperature or lighting levels, build your end-nodes using alternative boards such as the ESP32 board, or purchase pre-built devices.

There are many features of ThingsBoard which can be used to improve the value of your dashboard. You can create alerts, using the ThingsBoard rule chains, to notify if the moisture value goes above or below certain thresholds. You can also easily add additional widgets to show a long-time data series, such as the moisture level over the last week, rather than just the current moisture level. You can also group your devices to display different devices for different tenants on different dashboards.

You can even integrate your ChirpStack application with a fully-bespoke solution, such as a mobile app or custom website, whatever your use-case may be.

Last modified: Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 10:36 PM