Module 10: Advanced Assignments

Choose at least one of the following assignments:

Integrate with a Public Cloud Platform

If you already use AWS, Azure, or GCP, and are comfortable with these platforms, use the integration for your chosen platform and build an integration using your preferred services that allows you to view the events sent by your device.

Begin with the Amazon SNS documentationAzure Service Bus documentation or the GCP Pub/Sub documentation, and add your preferred integration to Semtech Network Server.

Integrate with an IoT Platform

To practice configuring an IoT platform, work through these hands-on labs to learn ThingsBoard:

HTTP Webhooks with IFTTT

To try a low-level HTTP integration first read about how to use the HTTP Webhooks in the Semtech Network Server, and then try using the IFTTT service to trigger an action. For example, you could send yourself an email when an event occurs.

  1. Set If This to Webhooks - Receive a web request with a JSON payload and set a Then That of your choosing.
  2. To find the webhook to use in the Semtech Network Server, go to, choose Documentation, and then locate the request URL in the section titled To trigger an Event with an arbitrary JSON payload.
  3. Find the data payload sent by the hardware during an event in the data field in the JSON.
  4. If you used the Payload codec field in the Semtech Network Server Device Profile to declare that your hardware uses Cayenne LPP, or if you used the Custom Javascript codec functions, find the decoded payload in the objectJSON field.

Explore the HTTP API

To try out the Semtech Network Server API, use CURL on your command-line software, or use an application with a GUI such as Postman.

  1. Go to the Semtech Network Server Org.API Keys section.
  2. Click CREATE, enter a name, and then click CREATE API KEY.
  3. Copy the Token that appears. This is the only chance to get this token!
  4. Prepare a GET request to{DEVICE_EUI}/events where {DEVICE_EUI} is set to the Device EUI for the device you want to inspect.
    1. Add a Grpc-metadata-Authorization header to this request, set to Bearer {TOKEN} where {TOKEN} is set to the Token you saved in the previous step.
    2. Add an Accept header to this request, and set it to application/json
  5. Submit the GET request and you see all the stored events from the device
  6. View the JSON for an individual event, and find the data payload sent by the hardware in the data field.
  7. If you used the Payload codec field in the Semtech Network Server Device Profile to declare your hardware uses Cayenne LPP,  or if you used the Custom Javascript codec functions, find the decoded payload in the objectJSON field for an individual event.

You can now use any programming language to write an application to pull the device events and transform or use the data how you wish.

Hands-on Lab

Build an End-to-End Solution Using the LoRaWAN® Protocol and LoRa Edge™ LR1110

Last modified: Monday, February 6, 2023, 9:12 PM