Stage 5: Install and Configure ThingsBoard

End-to-End Test

Switch your device and gateway on and follow these steps to confirm everything is working correctly.

  1. Open the ThingsBoard UI by browsing to http://THINGSBOARD_IP_ADDRESS:8081/.
  2. Click Dashboards in the side menu.
  3. Click on the new Moisture Sensor Dashboard item in the list and click Open dashboard.
  4. Fully insert the probes of the moisture sensor into a glass of water or a pot of damp soil so that the full length of the metal plating is submerged into the water or soil.

    Figure 18: Testing the LoRaWAN® network with real-life conditions

  5. Now, observe the digital gauge on the ThingsBoard dashboard. When the next uplink message is sent and propagates through the system, the gauge will show a reading. Try removing the probes and verifying that the reading goes back to zero, or try testing the moisture level in various media to see the reading vary between 0 and 1000.

    Figure 19: The end node moisture reading displayed on a simple ThingsBoard dashboard