Stage 4: Registering Your End Node with the Network Server

Add Your Device

In this step, you register your end node so the device can join your network.

  1. Click Applications in the menu on the left.

  2. Click on the link to the application you just created.


    Figure 3: Link to Application

  3. Click the Add device button.

  4. Complete the fields in the open Device tab as follows:

    • Name:

      Enter a name to represent this device, e.g. Test Device. Spaces are allowed.

    • Description:

      Enter an optional description.

    • Device EUI (EUI64):

      1. Click the MSB button shown in Figure 4, and choose LSB from the list of options to change the display order of the device EUI to Least Significant Bit (LSB).


        Figure 4: MSB Button in the Device EUI Form Field

      2. Enter 84 14 BD F8 A4 9F A9 00, the DEVEUI from the Arduino code.


        When creating a device in production, use the DevEUI supplied by the radio module manufacturer or obtain a valid, globally unique DevEUI that you own. Learn more about selecting a DevEUI.

    • Device profile:

      Select the profile you created earlier, e.g., My Test Device 1.0.

    • Device is disabled:

      Leave this switched off.

    • Disable frame-counter validation:

      Leave this switched off.

  5. Click the Submit button to save the device.

  6. The OTAA keys tab is selected. Enter the value 59 21 b1 f7 c3 59 ef e5 f3 8d a4 1d f4 3e 59 73 into the Application Key field.


    When creating a device in production, read section 2.5.3, Root Keys (page 9) of TR007 Developing LoRaWAN® Devices V1.0.0 to learn how to securely generate and store the Application Key.

  7. Click Submit to update the key.