Stage 4: Registering Your End Node with the Network Server

Create a Device Profile

A device profile defines a device’s capabilities and boot parameters. It is a reusable profile, created once for each device type and firmware version that you add to the network server. Whether you create 1 or 100 devices of the same type with the same firmware, you only need one device profile. The device profile must be added before you can add your device to the Semtech Network Server. Follow these steps to create one:

  1. Open the UI of your ChirpStack network server by browsing to http://CHIRPSTACK_IP_ADDRESS:8080/ if you haven’t already done so.

  2. Click Device profiles inside the Tenant section of the menu on the left.

  3. Click Add device profile.

  4. Complete the fields in the open General tab as follows:

    • Name:

      Enter a profile name to represent the device model and firmware version, e.g. My Test Device 1.0. Spaces are allowed.

    • Description:

      Optionally enter a free text description of your device type, e.g. Testing device for learning.

    • Region:

      Select the frequency plan for your device’s region, as listed in the Semtech Network Server website’s Regional Support table.

    • MAC version:

      Select LoRaWAN 1.0.3.


      This is the version of the LoRaWAN® specification implemented by the firmware on your end device.

    • Regional parameters revision:

      Select A.


      The Regional parameters revision refers to the version of the Regional Parameters document that the firmware on your end device supports.

    • ADR algorithm:

      Select Default ADR algorithm (LoRa only).

    • Flush queue on activate:

      Leave this set to the default.


      Downlinks can be queued to be sent to a device using the device page. Until messages have been sent, they remain in a queue. If you set Flush queue on activate to on, this queue will be emptied if a device rejoins the network, and the messages will never be sent to the device. If you set Flush queue on activate to off, this queue will remain and the messages will be sent to the device.

    • Expected uplink interval (secs):

      Set this to 30.


      This setting is used so that the network server can decide whether a device is active or inactive on the dashboard. The device will still work if this setting does not match the actual uplink interval.

    • Device-status request frequency (req/day):

      Leave this set to the default of 1.


      This value indicates the number of times per day you would like the network server to send the End Device Status MAC Command (DevStatusReq) to the end device, following receipt of an uplink. This MAC command will cause the end device to respond with its battery level and radio status.

      Unless the end device sends a Class A uplink the same number of times per day, it will not receive this number of DeviceStatusReq MAC commands. This is the maximum number of requests for the Device Status that the network server will send per day.

  5. Click on the Join (OTAA/ABP) tab and verify that the switch next to Device supports OTAA is turned on.

  6. Click Submit to save. The device profile appears in the Device profiles list.