
Hardware Requirements

There are many manufacturers of hardware certified by the LoRa Alliance® (LoRaWAN® CertifiedCM) that you can use to create your IoT solutions. The Semtech catalog is a great reference for hardware and contains listings from companies offering hardware that uses LoRa® as well as software products, solutions, and services.

For this tutorial, we recommend the following reference hardware.

End Node with LoRa® Functionality

  1. 1 x Arduino Uno (or other Arduino board compatible with the LoRa shield)
  2. 1 x Dragino Arduino Shield featuring LoRa technology, local variant
  3. 1 x Grove Moisture Sensor by Seeed Studio (other sensors are available but may require soldering)
  4. 1 x Grove 4 pin JST to male jumper cable (to connect the moisture sensor to the Arduino board)
  5. 1 x USB-B Male to USB-A Male cable (to connect the Arduino to the computer)
  6. 1 x 9V battery
  7. 1 x Battery clip-to-barrel-jack connector (or other compatible portable power supply for the Arduino)

Gateway with LoRa Functionality

  1. Raspberry Pi 3B+ (or other Raspberry Pi with an available ChirpStack image.
  2. Micro SD card (at least 8GB class 10)
  3. Raspberry Pi Power supply
  4. Micro SD card reader (if your machine does not have one built in)
  5. Pi Supply Gateway HAT with the operating frequency for your region (or other concentrator shield/gateway kit using LoRa technology, compatible with ChirpStack)